Saturday, June 11, 2011

Turkish prime minister offers safe passage to Gaddafi....

The Turkish prime minister says he has offered a "guarantee" to Gaddafi if he leaves Libya.
Turkey has offered Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi a "guarantee" in return for his departure from the Libya but has received no reply.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said that he had been sending several messages to Gaddafi to recede powers but did not get reply from him. 

 Gaddafi "has no other option but to leave Libya -- with a guarantee to be given to him... We have given him this guarantee. We have told him we will help him to be sent wherever he wants to go," Erdogan said.
 Depending on the reply we will get from him, we will take up the issue with our allies, but unfortunately we have received no reply so far," he said.

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